The internet is being censored
The days of free speech on the internet are over. Technocracy has taken over the internet. I've taken myself off Twitter due to their censorship and purging of voices on the right. I am now only on Telegram, Parler and via my website
End the Big Tech Tyranny.
Europe's Most Impressive Medieval City? Carcassonne Walking tour / Travel Guide
Walking tour of Carcassonne France
Tallinn to Tartu - How to travel from Tallinn Airport to Tartu Estonia -...
Travelling between Tallinn and Tartu in Estonia - then look no further
Inspired by a Black Martyr - The House of the Blackheads - Riga - Latvia - Travel Guide .
In my latest video I explore The House of the Blackheads in Riga Latvia.
The First World War - The Imperial War Museum - Museum Guide - London Tr...
My latest video on my Channel "The wondering Englishman". In this video, I take in the Imperial War Museum in Southwark London. With the focus being on The First World War.
3 Days in Majorca - Palma / A short break in Palma
In my latest video, I find myself on the beautiful island of Majorca (Mallorca).
New Post on the Other Blog
A couple of new posts from my other Website The Wondering Englishman
So that they may get indexed by the Crawlers here they are.
The Junction 2 Festival - is it the best Festival in the UK?
Now in its 4th Year - Junction 2 Festival is it now better than every other festival in the UK? It certainly is if you Love Techno :)
Rolex Robbery in Central London - Smash & Grab by Moped Thieves
A Gang of Moped Thieves targeted The Hour House Watch shop in Central London this last week. The Hour House in Duke Street, Marylebone was struck by armed robbers at 10:30am in the morning. They made off with Thousands of Pounds worth of Jewelry - including many Rolex.
2 Days in Prague - Czechia
I recently found myself in the Bohemian Capital of Prague - I was there for 2 Full Days in the Czech Capital (3 nights in total). I, of course, made a video about that adventure.
An Englishman in Dnipro - Ukraine
Latest video - This time I visit the City of Dnipro in Ukraine
The Wondering Englishman Website
I've created a New Blog and Website - It's called "The Wondering Englishman" .
Why you may Ask? Well I've now created over 225+ YouTube Video's and I wanted a website where all those video's could be found + extra information that can't always be added to a YouTube Video.
Wondering Englishman in Tartu
This article was written about one of my YouTube Videos.
A weekend in Collioure - France
A weekend in Collioure
I highly recommend Collioure as a weekend destination.
January 30th, 2018
An Englishman in Kiev - Ukraine
Check out my latest video
Let's See the rest of Europe.
Time to complete Europe - I was born in Europe, I have lived in Europe most of my life.
Earn and Save Money with your Smart Phone
Earn and Save Money with your Smart Phone
Now unless you are living a minimalist existence in the Himalayas with some rather chilled out Monks the chances are I’m going to presume you have a smartphone.
February 23rd, 2016
Scuba @ XOYO
So I witnessed 1 of the 12 weeks of Techno at The XOYO Club in Shoreditch - Scuba is a fantastic DJ - if you get the opportunity go see him - you won't be disappointed.
It's been a very long time Since I posted on this Blog. Is the Blog Dead? Yes Maybe. Twitter just seems like a quicker and neater way to get your point across to a larger number of followers @vanterheyden
However, as this Blog still exists - I may as well update you on my PROGRESSION Radio Show.
Global Radio Broadcasting
I am now broadcasting my PROGRESSION Radio show on both sides of the Atlantic.
I am still broadcasting with Shoreditch Radio but I am also broadcasting a slightly different show with Club Zone FM which broadcasts 24/7 from New Jersey USA.
Nick Varon - Mohnblumchen (Guy Mantzur remix)
Love this Deep uplifting Track from Nick Varon - Mohnblumchen - Its the Guy Mantzur Remix - I will playing this on the Next Progression Show.
Apparently this guy is a winner...
Ok so this is a number plate that made me smile - I mean it's fun.
However, when I saw who was driving this bling mobile my smile turned to anger - why do so many non disabled people think its acceptable to flout parking with disabled parking badges.
Hot Chip - Flutes
Have been enjoying Hot Chips Latest Track - Flutes.
You Tube Channel
I was just on my YouTube Channel & It's scary when I look at the stats how many years I have been using YouTube.
Facebook Fan Page
OK - I've gone down the very Self Promoting route of setting up a facebook fanpage.
This isn't a Fanpage to be a Fan of me! No that would be far too vain and far to Narcissistic. The Facebook fanpage is actually a fanpage for my Radio Show.
I only want to Retire
Brief History of the Markets & how everyone felt at the end of 2011 & will probably feel in 2012
Its worth watching *you need sound*!
Shoreditch Radio - Progression
For the last few months I have been recording my show on Shoreditch Radio.
Here are some of the Podcasts. Enjoy!
Alexander Van Terheyden's Cloudcasts on Mixcloud
Find My Progression Facebook page obviously on facebook and click like to stay up to date with each Show.
Nevermind The Bollocks... Here's Paul Oakenfold - 2CD Out Now!
Could this be the best Club Album of 2011? So far i'm very impressed - Great Driving Album also.
Deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei (Full - 1080p)
Without a Doubt - I have played this track more than any other track in the last 30days.
A Tune if there ever was one.
The Strokes - Under Cover Of Darkness
The Strokes - Under the Cover of Darkness.
Are you ready for their 4th Album - I certainly am - My favourite Band from the Naughties are back and from I can tell on form. Julian Casablancas and the Gang from New York look set to Dominate 2011.
Jacob van Hage - Clear Blue Sky Mix 12
Jacob van Hage consistently delivers. He will be in Miami in March for the World Music Conference. Hopefully he will be in London and where you live very soon. Good skills once again.
Hard Rock Sofa & St. Brothers - Blow Up (Hook N Sling & Goodwill Remix)
Can The SHM Team do no harm? This time a release from Axtone Records - The Record Label Controlled and Run By Axwell another 33.3% of the Swedish House Mafia. This Tune has been blowing up on Dance Floors for the last month now. Although it was released to the General Public as of today.
Kim Fai - Era (Original Mix)
Kim Fai Delivers with this Epic Progressive House Tune "ERA"
I love this Tune because I reminds me of the Video Games from the 1980s. Synths cracked up to the full - are we racing down a digital landscaped track with pixels for the sky? Well in my mind I am.
Tiësto feat. Jónsi - Kaleidoscope
It's an Old Track - But every time I hear this track I'm humbled by the Power of Tiesto. 5mins in and this track explodes.
I wonder where his Summer Residency will be this year...
Happy 2011 - Make it a good one!
Happy 2011 - A New Year and once again like everyone else I can't believe its come around so fast once again. Just for you - here is my favorite Song of January 1st. Without Fail - I play this every year. Enjoy!
For once I have to admit London's Fireworks last night were pretty good.
War - Never Again
The Above Video combined with the Amazing Inception Remix by Bahlzack "Come Follow me" - illustrates why we should never contemplate ever going to war. A Beautiful and deep song, but Damn War is not Beautiful!!! Its Bloody as Hell and should be avoided at all costs.